Branding Photographer Manchester - Alex Kington
Alex Kington Branding Photoshoot
Alex Kington Marketing Strategist
Alex Kington from AK Consulting, is an independent Marketing Strategist, providing marketing services for companies and individuals. Alex also works part time for Festive Road, a specialist strategic travel company. She asked me to be a Branding Photographer Manchester and take some headshots of her, in her favourite coffee bar in Cheadle. Alex describes herself…
“As a marketing strategist I'm here to help you create meaningful campaigns that spark joy, growth and success, for you and your clients. I start with your value proposition, from which we can build a marketing strategy. Whether you're looking for a one off 'Hero' campaign, or a long term marketing strategy, everything is centred around your value proposition and purpose, creating meaningful activity to delight your customers, boosts your brand and grow your business. ”
Inventery in Cheadle Hulme
I met Alex on a cold wet Tuesday morning at Inventery in Cheadle Hulme for an hour’s shoot. As the location was already open to other customers, I had to travel light as Alex’s Branding Photographer Manchester. I left my portable studio flash in the car, opting for a small flashgun I use for weddings as a secondary light source, should we need it. The session was to be about an hour or so - just a few simple headshots and a good catchup (I hadn’t seen Alex for a good while). Being a Branding Photographer Manchester, I try to work as naturally as I can, using available light when on location (if practical). A slightly nervous Alex calmed down after a good old brew in a white mug. I kept an eye on her as she kept hold of her tea as we chatted away. I knew this was going to be our ‘angle’ for the shoot, but kept it under wraps for a while. No point peaking too early! We started taking photos inside the little corners of Inventory, photographing environmental portraits on the stairwell, using the small flashgun as a bounce light. My being a Branding Photographer Manchester meant I was interested in bringing outAlex’s character in the photos too - not just a set of pretty photos of a pretty client. As we shot away, we kep[t talking and trying new angles and different background around the interior. Some worked, some didn’t. Not problem….all part of being a Branding Photographer Manchester, creating a concise collection of images for my client to use on her website and social media presence .
Headshots v Portraits
When is a headshot not a headshot? When is a headshot a portrait, or environmental portrait? There’s a lovely grey area surrounding this. As a Branding Photographer Manchester, I created a full set of images for Alex - from classic headshots to more relaxed environmental portraits…but we still hadn’t used the mug! As the shoot progressed, Alex became more animated and hell, even looked at the camera a time or two. As I mentioned, Alex loves tea, and always has a mug to hand at work, whether in the office or at home. Towards the end of the session, we ordered refills and et voila! the shot was nailed! There was Alex as everyone knew her, mug in hand, at work. This Branding Photographer Manchester had done his job.After delivering the collection to Alex, she originally used one of the ‘safer’ branding headshot photos from this page (I won’t say which one), but after a little market research between clients, colleagues and friends, changed it for a variation of our main image. You can see it on her LinkedIn profile.
Branding Photographer Manchester
I loved this little shoot, and how it evolved from a simple set of headshots into being something much more characteristic. As a Branding Photographer Manchester, it’s my job to create the most natural looking images I can, normally replacing those hackneyed US Stock shots that everyone uses on their websites these days.
Fancy a branding / headshot / portrait / whatever-you-call-it shoot of your own, for you or your company?
Get in touch and let’s chat about your plans…