Headshot Photographer Manchester - Lucion Group Headshots
The Lucion Group ‘Meet The Team’ Photoshoot
The Lucion Group
The Lucion Group is a technology-led environmental services consultancy, providing a comprehensive range of services throughout a company’s asset lifecycle. They market themselves as a trusted partner, helping businesses navigate the complex world of regulation; saving them time, money and resources.
They describe themselves as…
“Our purpose is to protect people from hazardous environments and we protect environments from the impacts of people.
Our extensive suite of environmental services offers comprehensive protection, creating a safer world for everyone, and a healthier planet for future generations.
From assessing the risk of hazardous materials in specific locations to conducting ecological surveys for bats, badgers, or water voles, Lucion is your trusted partner. We provide expert advice, trusted expertise, and high-quality services to help you navigate the often complex regulatory landscapes, all while prioritising safety.
We’ve created a portfolio of services to support businesses in effectively managing their assets at every stage of the lifecycle. Whether you’re at the initial investment phase, in the throes of development, or at the point of disinvestment, Lucion is here to support you every step of the way.
Discover more about our range of services below. Or explore our numerous accreditations to see how we’re recognised for our commitment to excellence.
At Lucion, we’re not just doing a job – we’re protecting people, and the planet.
Lucion clients benefit from a wealth of expertise from right across the Environmental Services spectrum. We understand that Environmental, Social and Governance is key to our clients’ businesses; it’s front and centre for us too, that’s why we have pledged our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact.
In addition to this, with their own dedicated account team, Lucion clients have everything they need to meet the evolving regulatory landscape and needs for their business”.
Manchester Headshot Photographer Mick Cookson
As a Manchester Headshot Photographer, I was contacted by freelance Marketing Consultant Mark Elwood to produce some new headshots for the main team at Lucion. The brief was to create a new, more modern look to the website for the ‘Meet The Team’ section. We were replacing a collection of random-looking headshots, and hoping for a solid, corporate feel for Lucion. We were also going to avoid the classic plain white background for the headshots too. As a Manchester Headshot Photographer, I was looking forward to the creative challenge for this project…as you’ll see.
Headshots Edited Onto New Backgrounds
We photographed the background first, at Lucion Group’s Manchester office. Out of all the Lucion office locations, this felt (and looked) the best for the headshots. Mark stepped in as a model for the shoot as he is Manchester-based. All fully lit and framed, I took a collection of photos as a Manchester Headshot Photographer - different backgrounds, different angles etc. This was our chosen version though, and works well as a panoramic ‘banner’ image.
This was the chosen background, photographed after Mark had stepped out of the shot, so the focus and composition didn’t change.
Headshot Photography in Leeds
Yes, Leeds! As a Manchester Headshot Photographer I travelled over the M62 for the second part of the shoot. At Lucion Group’s Leeds Office, the team were all gathered for meetings - the perfect opportunity to photograph everyone together in one place. And, as a Manchester Headshot Photographer this meant my lighting would be consistent for everybody, without having to travel up to Aberdeen and Newcastle to photograph anybody ‘missing’. I was given an office to work in…luxury compared to a lot of locations I have to work as a Manchester Headshot Photographer. I took a very simple background with me, so I could photograph the team against it, and cut them out digitally later on. Here’s the setup….one main light with a reflector on the desk. All photographed on a Nikon D850 with an 85mm lens.
My office for the day, shooting tethered to my MacBook Pro, so we can check images instantly. And below, the basic result before any cutout or retouching….
Headshot Photography for Website and Branding
The images of the team were cutout very accurately with a little retouching on the team, to make them look their shiny best for the website and for social media. Once cutout and retouched, each team member was placed in position on the existing background and supplied to the website designers’ specifications.
Here’s a collection of a few of the ‘Meet The Team’ portraits. You can see them for real HERE. Just click on each headshot thumbnail to view the finished results. This Headshot Photographer Manchester was very pleased with the results, as were the clients (which is more important!)
So, if you’re looking for modern headshots for your business, don’t worry about having to opt for a plain colour or tone background - I can place you, in your place….and make it look great.
Here’s a few of the banner images before the web designers added the blue info box on the right hand side of screen…

Why not get in touch and let’s see what we can do collectively for your business…?
Headshot Photographer Manchester, specialising in Headshots, Business Portraits, Branding and Team Photography on location or in studio.